Steady State Economics 1 Rob Dietz PGE5

In this episode I begin the first of what will be a series of conversations with Steady State economists. Steady State Economics is an alternative to both Neoclassical free-market capitalism and socialism, which, if I understand Steady State economists correctly, they classify as being growth-oriented economies. I have been persuaded by Steady State economists description of the limitations of existing approaches to the economy, particularly in light of climate change, pollution, and global poverty, and by what they have to offer as solutions. Many people do not know of this alternative, so I hope to help bring about greater awareness of this type of economy through an on-going dialogue over time with various Steady State economists and advocates.

My guest is Rob Dietz, who was the Executive Director for Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE) and is presently Program Director at Post Carbon Institute. You can learn more about CASSE at and Post Carbon Institute at

I am interviewing Rob about the book he co-authored with Dan O’Neill called Enough Is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources.

The music for this episode is from a clip of a song called ‘Father Let Your Kingdom Come’ which is found on The Porter’s Gate Worship Project Work Songs album and is used by permission by The Porter’s Gate Worship Project. You can learn more about the album and the Worship Project at


Biblical Storytelling Donna Marie Todd PGE4

In this episode, my guest, Donna Marie Todd, treats us to the wonderful art form of storytelling. Donna Marie calls herself a singer of stories. Stories are one of the most ancient forms of entertainment, education, and insight. The International Storytelling Festival held in Jonesboro, Tennessee each year celebrates this art form.

In this episode, Donna Marie introduces us to a particular kind of storytelling called Biblical storytelling. Jewish and Christian scripture, referred to by Christians as the Bible, is full of stories and the overall arch of Jewish and Christian scripture is that of story. Christian hymns such as ‘I Love to Tell the Story,’ ‘Tell Me the Story of Jesus,’ and ‘I Will Sing the Wondrous Story’ make reference to that overarching story.

Jewish Rabbis use story extensively as commentary on the Torah and as a tool for moral instruction. Rabbi Jesus followed that tradition in his use of parables.

In Biblical storytelling, the storyteller uses a passage of scripture as the basis for the story. Sometimes the passage is quoted verbatim with vocal and bodily dramatic emphases. Sometimes the scripture passage is blended with creative additions or paraphrased in creative ways. In all of its forms, Biblical storytelling brings insight out of the passage that causes ‘Ah!’ and ‘A-ha!’ moments.

In this episode, Donna Marie tells us the story of David, Bathsheba, and Uriah.

You can learn more about Donna Marie on her website at

Donna Marie is also the editor of The Biblical Storyteller.

You can learn more about Network of Biblical Storytellers International and get a subscription to The Biblical Storyteller on their website: 

The music from this episode comes from the CD, Faith of Our Fathers: An Acoustic Celebration of Old Hymns which Donna Marie made in partnership with Will Straughan and Chris Rosser, and is used by permission.

Just Me PGE3

In this episode I explain why I am doing this show and the ideas and experiences that are shaping my thinking and approach. I describe the cultural, political, and theological contexts that motivate me.

The music for the episode is the anthem, ‘A Place at the Table,’ words by Shirley Erena Murray, music by Mary McDonald, published by Hope Publishing Company and is used by permission.

Michael Hawn Racial Reconciliation 2 – PGE2

This episode is a continuation of the discussion on racial reconciliation. My guest for this episode is Dr. Michael Hawn who is University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Church Music and Adjunct Professor and Director of the Doctor of Pastoral Music Program in the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. Dr. Hawn discusses cross-cultural worship and especially the use of music as a valence or combining and binding medium for facilitating racial reconciliation through cross-cultural worship. He establishes the practice of cross-cultural worship in the event of the first Christian disciples at Pentecost, which was a boundary-crossing experience. Dr. Hawn discusses many of the concepts and practices developed in his book, One Bread, One Body: Exploring Cultural Diversity in Worship.

The music for the episode is the anthem, ‘A Place at the Table,’ words by Shirley Erena Murray, music by Mary McDonald, published by Hope Publishing Company and is used by permission.

Racial Reconciliation 1 – PGE1

In this first episode of Practicing Gospel, my guests are Father Jim Abbott, a retired Episcopal priest, Tyrone Greenley, Director of Christians for a United Community, and Dr. Jim McCoy, former pastor of First Baptist Church, Weaverville, NC. Each of my guest have long been active in racial reconciliation both in their personal and professional lives. Based upon their experiences, they are with me to discuss issues involved in engaging in racial reconciliation, especially in light of the present political climate in which racist and hate groups have been emboldened by the election of President Trump. Each are involved in the organization, Christians from a United Community, which is an organization that seeks to provide occasions, opportunities, and resources for believers from various denominations, cultures, and traditions to come together for shared worship, reflection, service, and fellowship.

You can learn more about Christians for a United Community on their facebook page.

The music for the episode is the anthem, ‘A Place at the Table,’ words by Shirley Erena Murray, music by Mary McDonald, published by Hope Publishing Company and is used by permission.