Monthly Archives: March 2020

The Coronavirus, Peacebuilding, and Creativity PGE9

The Coronavirus has played havoc with my interviewing schedule. Melissa Rogers was to be my next episode, and she may be my next guest, but I had to cancel her interview due to the travel restrictions caused by the virus. So, while I am regrouping and rescheduling and had the ideas in this episode on my mind, I decided to present them now.

Solving the pandemic and ending the deaths of people caused by the coronavirus is the major problem facing our globe at the present, but this problem has created a second dire problem, which is the threat of the collapse of national economies. These two problems have created a division within the United States over which is the primary problem to solve. Some fear that the collapse of the economy could be worse than the effects of the virus.

We need a way forward that helps us solve both problems. In this episode I offer my thoughts on two sets of resources that I believe can help us more forward more productively. They are Glen Stassen’s seven steps to peacemaking in his book, Just Peacemaking: A New Paradigm for the Ethics of Peace and War, and the creative thinking tools of such people as Edward de Bono, Michael Michalko, and the ideas of William McDonough and Michael Braungart.

The music for this episode is from a clip of a song called ‘Father Let Your Kingdom Come’ which is found on The Porter’s Gate Worship Project Work Songs album and is used by permission by The Porter’s Gate Worship Project. You can learn more about the album and the Worship Project at

Peacemaking 1 Dr. Tink Tinker Interview PGE8

This episode begins a series on peacemaking. I learned of the book, Peacemaking and the Challenge of Violence in World Religions by Drs. Irfan Omar and Michael Duffey. The authors are professors in the Department of Theology at Marquette University. In conjunction with the book, the authors held a one-day symposium by the same title. The book (and symposium) consists of seven scholars representing seven of the world’s religions. Each scholar is also a practitioner of the religion she or he represents. What each scholar/practitioner provided was an essay/presentation on resources for peacemaking from her or his religion. This essay/presentation was followed by a response from two of the other participants.

I thought this book provided an excellent model for developing my series. I will be seeking to have conversations with scholar/practitioners of peacemaking from different world religions, discussing the resources from my guest’s faith that contribute to peacemaking and her or his own peacemaking efforts/experiences.

My guest today is one of the contributors from the book. Dr. Tink Tinker is Emeritus Professor in the Iliff School of Theology, a Methodist graduate school in Denver Colorado. Dr. Tinker is a member of the wazhazhe, Osage Nation. He teaches courses in American Indian cultures, history, and religious traditions; cross-cultural and Third-World theologies; and justice and peace studies and is a frequent speaker on these topics both in the U.S. and internationally. His publications include American Indian Liberation: A Theology of Sovereignty (2008); Spirit and Resistance: Political Theology and American Indian Liberation (2004); and Missionary Conquest: The Gospel and Native American Genocide (1993). He co-authored A Native American Theology (2001); and he is co-editor of Native Voices: American Indian Identity and Resistance (2003), and Fortress Press’ The Peoples’ Companion to the Bible (2008).

The Tink Tinker Program Endowment Fund was launched following the celebration of Tink’s career. Donations can be make to this fund here.

The title of his contribution to Peacemaking and the Challenge of Violence in World Religions is, ‘The Irrelevance of euro-christian Dichotomies for Indigenous Peoples: Beyond Nonviolence to a Vision of Comic Balance (Chapter 7).’

The music for this episode is from a clip of a song called ‘Father Let Your Kingdom Come’ which is found on The Porter’s Gate Worship Project Work Songs album and is used by permission by The Porter’s Gate Worship Project. You can learn more about the album and the Worship Project at