Racial Healing-Meta Commerse Interview Part 3 PGE26

This episode is Part 3 of my interviews with Meta Commerse. In this episode we bring together the threads of Meta’s writing and aesthetic arts and her healing arts into the tapestry of their use in racial healing. As I say in the interview, if we are going to have a better future, especially together as people broken by prejudice, misperception, understanding, and the terrible history of hate, violence, and oppression that is the legacy of white supremacy, we have to know where we are going–a vision of the future and what it looks like– and have a way to get there–a map or guide.

Meta offers one option both for the vision and guide/mission. On her website, storymedicineworldwide.com, there is a tab called The Race Relations Station. Under that tab is a tab for Community Action Project. On the Community Action Project page there is a Vision and a Mission statement. The Vision is: A Well, Diverse, and Just Community. The Mission is: Racial Healing and Relationship Building through Story.

Under Meta’s wise and practiced guidance and the guidance of other good visionaries like her, it is a realizable journey I am eager to take together with any of you willing to join.

One of my favorite posters that I had on over the desk of my office in the church I pastored is one of Sitting Bull saying, “Let us put our minds together and see what life we will make for our children.” If we follow folks like Meta, it will be a better one!

The music for this episode is from a clip of a song called ‘Father Let Your Kingdom Come’ which is found on The Porter’s Gate Worship Project Work Songs album and is used by permission by The Porter’s Gate Worship Project. You can learn more about the album and the Worship Project at theportersgate.com.